1,039 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Tags: Pharmacology Groups: figshare ZENODO Types: publication

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    The analysis of the expenditure behavior of G20 countries

    Introduction: This project is about the expenditure behavior of the 10 of the G20 countries. The G20 (or Group of Twenty) is an international forum for the governments and...
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    Wind Lidar Digitalization

    Wind lidar technology has been increasingly used for wind energy applications for over a decade. During this time there has been an impressive development of a lidar community...
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    The imprint of X-ray photoevaporation on the orbital distribution of giant pl...

    Recent exoplanet surveys have highlighted the existence of an impressive diversity of planetary systems, raising the question of how systems similar to our own can form and...
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    A major bottleneck for the exploitation of data from the Kepler mission for stellar astrophysics and exoplanet research has been the lack of precise radii and evolutionary...
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    Power and Persistent Identifiers

    Persistent identifiers are critical components of modern and evolving data infrastructure. Like much of the mechanics of civilization, PIDs are based on trusted registries. The...
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    Die eindeutige Zuordnung von Autorinnen und Autoren zu den von ihnen geschaffenen Werken zählt zu den großen Herausforderungen des Publikationsmanagements in der Wissenschaft....
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    Open Citations 101: Historical Background and Current Developments

    A presentation about open citations, the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC), and OpenCitations, prepared for the symposium "Current Developments of Open Citations and...
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    This brochure highlights what's UNICORE about, its technology and toolkit.
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    Decodificador de binario de 2 bits a display de 7 segmentos - Bloques combina...

    Presentación de clase que explica cómo funcionan los displays de siete segmentos y cómo hacer el circuito lógico que convierte un número binario de 2 bits para mostrarlo en un...
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    Best Practices in open access publishing

    Publishing is a composite activity that includes several components, and the adoption of best practices in academic publishing should address all aspects: service provision to...
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    Presentation given at the Credit Scoring & Credit Control Conference XVI in Edinburgh, UK. Abstract Score calibration is the process of empirically determining the...
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    Die heterogene Natur archäologischer Daten wird bis heute meist in relationalen Datenbanken abgebildet. Datenmodellierungen mit NoSQL-Datenbanken oder in Graphen, fristen auch...
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    OpenIng – Open Access und Open Educational Resources in den Ingenieurwissensc...

    Wie nutzen Ingenieurwissenschaftler_innen Open Access und Open Educational Resources und warum tun Sie es unter Umständen noch nicht? Diese Frage steht im Fokus des vom...
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    Evaluación de la investigación biomédica desde la perspectiva de las nuevas m...

    Presentación realizada en el XII Curso Gestión Investigación Biomédica celebrado el 25 de Octubre 2019 en Valladolid organizado por Cibercv y la Junta de Castilla y León
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    Se ofrecen los contenidos del curso "Visión integral de las bibliotecas: función, valor, servicios, recursos, usuarios y estrategias" impartido por personal académico de la...
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    How to do a pre-review

    This material presented at "Workshop Manajemen Publikasi Berbasis OJS (Submit, Review, Editing, Publish)" in Universitas Widya Dharma, August 31st 2019   This session talks...
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    The EXO-200 \mbox{EXO-200} experiment searches for the neutrinoless double beta (0νββ 0\nu\beta\beta ) decay in 136 ^{136} Xe with an ultra-low background single-phase time...
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    Organisation Identifiers

    This presentation describes why the Organisation Identifier Working Group was founded and gives an overview of its outputs and next steps.
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    Tropfenkondensation - effiziente Wärmeübertragung durch neue Oberflächen

    Vortrag im Rahmen der Mitgliederversammlung 2019 des Kompetenznetz Verfahrenstechnik Pro3. Gehalten am 04. July 2019 in Dresden. Ergänzende Informationen zu den theoretischen...
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    Das FOSTER Open Science Training Handbuch

    Das Open Science Training Handbuch wurde im Februar 2018 während eines Book Sprints entwickelt und geschrieben. Das Handbuch richtet sich an Personen, die selbst Trainings und...