16 items found

Licenses: License Not Specified Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified http Types: software Groups: figshare ZENODO Organisations: RISIS2OpenData

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  • software


    Steady model for "Magma Ascent Mathematical Modelling and Analysis" (https://github.com/demichie/MAMMA). This version includes a crystallization model for basaltic...
  • software

    Prophane v3.3.0

    Tool for the automatic annotation of proteomic search results with taxonomic and functional information. Source repository: https://gitlab.com/s.fuchs/prophane
  • software

    CDNest: A diffusive nested sampling code in C

    This is a C version of diffusive nested sampling code developed by Brendon Brewer (https://github.com/eggplantbren/DNest3), but with minor modifications.
  • software

    imfit v1.3.1

    C++ code for fitting astronomical images (especially of galaxies) in FITS format, as described in Erwin (2015; ApJ 799: 226). Main web page: http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~erwin/imfit...
  • software

    PNNL-PREMIS/PREMIS-ghg: Biogeosciences final version

    Release version cited in BG paper, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2019-218
  • software

    Iterative reconstruction tensor tomography (IRTT) codes and demonstration dat...

    This is the codes and demonstration datasets for the iterative reconstruction tensor tomography (IRTT) algorithm, which is published in: Gao, Z., Guizar-Sicairos, M.,...
  • software

    Polaris: A Separation Logic For Concurrent Randomized Programs

    This is the archived artifact associated with the paper " A Separation Logic for Concurrent Randomized Programs" by Joseph Tassarotti and Robert Harper. The...
  • software

    Data and code associated with article titled "Good neighbors aplenty: Fungal ...

    This resource contains data and code associated with the article titled "Good neighbors aplenty: Fungal endophytes rarely exhibit competitive exclusion patterns across a...
  • software

    caLIBRAte - Wigger et al - 2018

    Codes and data relative to the paper: Wigger, H., Wohlleben, W., & Nowack, B. (2018). Redefining environmental nanomaterial flows: consequences of the regulatory...
  • software

    MLSys 2020 Artifacts for "MLPerf Training Benchmark"

    Full paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.01500.pdf This contains code and information about the complete workflow to reproduce Nvidia’s v0.5 and v0.6 ResNet-50...
  • software

    Installation image for Ubuntu Xenial

    This image installs Ubuntu Xenial 16.04.1 LTS using a network install on network interface enp65s1 Further information can be found at...
  • software


    The mega-sweep mini-app aims to take the mega-stream kernel and fit it within a KBA-style sweep iteration structure. The compute kernel is similar to mega-stream, but additional...
  • software

    faster rcnn inception resnet v2 jellyfish

    A faster rcnn inception resnet v2 architecture model trained over an underwater jellyfish dataset (https://zenodo.org/record/3545785#.XdZJMsYh3CI)
  • software

    STOP-IT Public Warning Notification System (PWNS) v1

    First version of the Public Warning Notification System (PWNS) for the STOP-IT project. General documentation of the module is available at...