45 items found

Types: publication Groups: figshare Open Access Tags: Cell Biology Developmental Biology Marine Biology Plant Biology Science Policy Sociology

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    Esta sesión se ha impartido en el curso “Diseminación y divulgación científica” el día 11 de junio de 2019 en la Escuela de Ingenierías Industrial e Informática de la...
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    Beschreibung der Zusammenarbeit, Vorgehensweise und Ziele eines kooperativen Forschungsdatenmanagement Projekts der Universitäten Düsseldorf, Siegen und Wuppertal (FoDaKo):...
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    Hill rice cultivation in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. a Jhum fields after rice harvesting; b Harvesting of hill rice by a lady of Nyishi community in Papum Pare district; c...
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    Presentatie KB Webinar - Transkribus voor Nederlandstalige gebruikers - Geava...

    KB Webinar - Transkribus voor Nederlandstalige gebruikers - Geavanceerd Transkribus is een programma dat het lezen van handschriften een stuk eenvoudiger maakt. Met behulp van...
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    (PDF) Meet Your Sweet Review: Expert Dating And Relationship Advice For Men A...

    Meet Your Sweet is a relationship and dating training program that will help you how to attract to your partner and improve your look and self confidence for good relationship....
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    Halki Diabetes Remedy Review: Eric Whitfield | Halki Diabetes Reverse Type 2 ...

    Eric Whitfield’s Halki Diabetes Remedy is a 21-days of 60-second system designed to eliminating Type 2 Diabetes. It will provide you with exercises, meals and recipes to help...
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    Additional File 1:

    Table S1. Pathway Enrichment Analysis of Upregulated Genes. Table S2. Pathway Enrichment Analysis of Downregulated Genes. Table S3. Functional terms not clustered during pathway...
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    (PDF) EZ Battery Reconditioning Review: Tom Ericson | EZ Battery Reconditioni...

    EZ Battery Reconditioning is an interesting manual that shows you the steps to bringing old batteries back to life. This book is show you the step by step techniques to take to...
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    Additional file 1 of From novice to expert: a qualitative study of implementa...

    Additional file 1. Skills code list development: source literature and materials. This file describes the source literature and publicly available training materials that...
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    Drevna DNK analiza individua sahranjenih na ranobronzanoposkoj nekropoli u Mo...

    Analize drevne DNК od izuzetnog su značaja za arheološka istraživanja, jer mogu pružiti odgovore na širok spektar pitanja, a jedno od njih je utvrđivanje porodičnih veza među...
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    (PDF) Yoga Burn Review: Zoe Bray Cotton | All Yoga Burn Challenge Program

    Zoe Bray Cotton’s Yoga Burn 12 week program, that is designed for lose weight, slimmer, sexier body, tone your body, gain flexibility and get a lean look. Yoga Burn was created...
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    La Revista de Humanidades Digitales. Construir un campo desde la publicación ...

    Póster presentado en el V Congreso Internacionales de la Asociación de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas en la Facultad de Humanidades de Toledo.  
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    (PDF) Eat Sleep Burn Review: Dan Garner

    Dan Garner’s Eat Sleep Burn method is lose unwanted belly fat naturally and safely while you sleep. Eat Sleep Burn is an online program which works efficiently to burn fat...
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    Slides les "De inspraakkloof op werk en haar gevolgen"

    Slides voor een een les i.k.v. postgraduaat opleiding ‘Vorming van het Sociaal-Economisch Beleid’ (ISUA - UAntwerpen). Abstract: In deze les gaan we in op cijfers, recent...
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    Fig. S1. The prescribed CGA form. The prescribed form was completed with many findings from each ESAT professional within the initial 2 days. These information and data were...
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    (PDF) Lean Body Hacks Review: Mike Zhang | Lean Body Hacks 21 Day Guide

    Lean Body Hacks is a 21-day online program that lose 2 pounds of stubborn body fat every 48 hours without a single workout or change to your diet, and boost your metabolism....
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    Additional file 1: of mORCA: ubiquitous access to life science web services

    State-of-the-art Apps. A PDF file with a full list of apps belonging to the stores of the main mobile platforms, its descriptions, links, and icons. (PDF 1546Â kb)
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    Au-CdS Core−Shell Nanocrystals with Controllable Shell Thickness and Photoind...

    A facile and reproducible approach for preparing Au-CdS core−shell nanocrystals with controllable shell thickness was successfully developed. A depression of the...
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    (PDF) ED Elixir Review: Michael Manning - Cure Erectile Dysfunction Naturally

    Michael Manning’s ED Elixir is a 30-second habit that will help you cure Erectile Dysfunction naturally and permanently without any exercise, dieting, pills or injections. ED...