30 items found

Groups: Datacite Tags: sampling

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  • dataset

    Breeding data from a nestbox population of great tits with individuals identi...

    These data were collected in the field (Wytham Woods, UK, Oxfordshire) as part of a long term study of great tits. RFID technology was used to identify individuals earlier in...
  • dataset

    Sample description.

    BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory II [38]. STAI-T: trait scale of the State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory [39]. LEC: Life Events Checklist [40]. Test for differences between groups:...
  • dataset

    Appendix S4 10062 AM DUNHILL

    Appendix S4 referenced in article.
  • dataset

    Global occurrences of Tetrapoda (Carboniferous–early Permian)

    This file is a direct download from the Paleobiology Database which contains global occurrences for Tetrapodomorpha from the Carboniferous to early Permian.
  • dataset

    43 most parsimonious trees from parsimony analysis in nexus format European A...

    43 most parsimonious trees from parsimony analysis in nexus format European Agabini
  • dataset

    Mating Types of Strains

    This file contains the mating type information for all the Neurospora crassa strains used to test the SPREAD algorithm. The column labelled "FGSC" lists the Fungal Genetics...
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    The survey database is comprised of data reported in empirical phylogeography papers that satisfied search / inclusion criteria described in the main text of Garrick et al....
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    [DATA_SCIENCE] Interviews Oceanography, March 2015 - May 2017

    This is a collection of transcripts from interviews conducted by Gregor Halfmann as part of the ERC project "The Epistemology of Data-intensive Science". The...
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    Remote sensing and GIS data used in the study. Including outcrop area, exposure area, lithology, elevation, bedrock age etc.
  • dataset

    Ecological and Forest Inventory of Catalonia: Complete Plant Trait Dataset fo...

    Plant trait and forest data were retrieved from the Ecological and Forest Inventory of Catalonia (IEFC), carried out between 1988 and 1998 (Gracia et al. 2000‒2004). The subset...
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    This file contains the phenotype information used in the GWA analysis of 81 genome-resequenced male collared flycatchers. The file contains columns for identification, year, age...
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    JSDM models

    The file can be read in R, including the full structure of the fitted models, BaysComm, Boral, Mistnet, HMSC, and Gjam.
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    A Sampling Approach to Evaluative Conditioning

    In an evaluative conditioning procedure (EC), a conditioned stimulus (CS) is paired with positive or negative unconditioned stimuli (US) and consequently acquires US valence. We...
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    Reconstructing marine plankton food web interactions using DNA metabarcoding ...

    ### This repository contains two separate datasets: 1. 16S rRNA gene dataset and 2. 18S rRNA gene dataset.   ### The data is stored as ASV-file (Amplicon sequence...
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    Supplementary Information

    Supplementary Information for: Early Succession on Slag Compared to Urban Soil: A Slower RecoveryS1 File. Supplemental information: methods and results. Detailed history of...
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    BEAST MCC tree based on 149 unique haplotypes with even sampling. Node heights annotated using mean heights.
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    This zip file contains 6 rdata files and one CSV file used to produce the figures. Please refer to the ReadMe for descriptions.
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    Simulated spore production data for all pairwise matings

    This CSV contains the simulated spore production data used to compute the population GLMM. Subsets of this data-set were used to calculate sample GLMMs. Please see readme file...
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    Data of analyzed measures

    This file contains choice data from an experiment testing the effects of color preference on sampling and tracking in bumble bees. There tabs for the subject data, the treatment...
  • dataset

    Table for Paper: Late Pleistocene-Holocene Paleoseismology of Mingle-Damaying...

    The material for sampling is charred material and they are analyzed in Beta Analytic Inc., USA and AMS 14C dating laboratory of Peking University. Both of the laboratories...