49 items found

Groups: Datacite Tags: Cancer model

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  • dataset

    Data for ED2 fire scenarios

    The repository contains input data and namelist files necessary to run ED2 (Ecosystem Demography) model for alternate fire conditions. 
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    Values of Harrell’s concordance index with 95% confidence intervals, in the case Dataset 1 (n = 50) was used as training (T) to develop a model using LASSO. Validation (V)...
  • dataset

    Data Summary

    Summary of thirty game structures that compose the full combined data set [6–13]. BR 2006 [8] and DB 2005 [7] both also conducted one-shot games; we only describe and use their...
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    Dataset as the supporting information of the manuscript: Intervention on default contagion under partial information in a financial network published by journal PLOS ONE. The...
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    Mutation effect prediction with the DCA model
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    Central Baltic EwE validation

    Dataset contains parameters for the Central Baltic EwE foodweb model along with forcing and validation data as well as model output. All metadata information is contained...
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    Model parameters.

    aSpecified with reference to Cook [30] and Waage et al. [36] using distributions defined in Biosecurity Australia [31]; b Derived from Sapoukhina et al. [37]; c ABS [6], Note...
  • dataset

    Animal characteristics.

    *, P< 0.05 vs Sham; #, P<0.05 vs STNx STNx, Subtotal nephrectomized; Irb, Irbesartan; PPG, Propagermanium Animal numbers: Sham = 20, STNx = 19, STNx+PPG = 17, STNx+Irb = 19...
  • dataset

    MOESM11 of Global impact of somatic structural variation on the DNA methylome...

    Additional file 11. Related to Fig. 6. Complete set of molecular-level correlations with total number of SSV events detected across samples, according to regression model...
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    Political interest furthers partisanship in England, Scotland, and Wales

    According to much of the literature, partisanship in Britain exercises little independent influence on the vote but merely reflects voters’ prospective and retrospective...
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    Modeling tick vaccines: a key tool to improve protection efficacy

    Introduction: The development of more effective vaccines for the control of tick infestations and pathogen transmission is essential for prevention and control of tick-borne...
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    Raw data for three separate urban forest samples of the city of Meran in Northern Italy. One is a random sample following I-tree protocol, one is a public tree inventory...
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    This file is the JAGS/BUGS code defining the model in: Price, Freytag, Bonner, Drayer, Muncy, Hutton and Barton (2018) Mountaintop removal mining alters stream salamander...
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    DNA sequence files from previously published papers and selection results of models for molecular evolution by Kakusan4. The specified options are able to find in the paper.
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    Results of sensitivity analysis.

    Effect of changing each parameter over its range on estimated cost effectiveness of base case programme (estimates derived from regression model). 95% end points of range of...
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    Confusion matrix.

    Ligatures having sizes S1, S2, S3 and S4 are shown along y-axis, as a test data, and along x-axis as training data. The correct classification rate (%) is shown at intersections...
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    Simulation parameters.

    MBR = MPW = MCV = 100, MCA = WBA. n ∈ {3, 9, 27}, WBA ∈ [0.1, 2], WPC ∈ [0, 20], WCT = 0.1. ⌈n/2⌉ groups of size 1 and ⌊n/2⌋ of size chosen uniformly at random from [1, ⌊n/2⌋]....
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    Parameter estimates.

    In model of multi-study gene-level influenza data: θ is the overall rate of genes involved with influenza; α represents false positive measurement errors, and β measures false...
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    This is the data used to build models predicting the probability of winter white for each species across their range. It is needed to run the R script. See README file for...
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    Participant demographic information.

    This spreadsheet contains the demographic information for participants in this project. This includes age, sex, language group (M = monolingual; B = bilingual), family...