9 items found

Groups: Datacite Tags: Biotechnology Cancer Science Policy project

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    Sample description.

    BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory II [38]. STAI-T: trait scale of the State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory [39]. LEC: Life Events Checklist [40]. Test for differences between groups:...
  • dataset

    Descriptive statistics.

    Table 1.  Descriptive statistics. (Notes: the R&D rec. and the R&D high variables are dummy variables equal to 1 if the associated expert's cost estimate...
  • dataset

    FIRSTRUN dataset of fiscal variables

    FIRSTRUN dataset of fiscal variables and EU rules simulator The FIRSTRUN (Fiscal Rules and Strategies under Externalities and Uncertainties) project is a European Union funded...
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    Using Zenodo As A Discovery And Publishing Platform

    We are 25 years into the World Wide Web revolution. While Humanities researchers have been at the forefront of many uses of networked communication to disseminate their...
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    NARCIS & FREYA Can PIDs contribute to research in context?

    Abstract: NARCIS, the national gateway to scholarly information in the Netherlands (www.narcis.nl) contains information about publications, datasets, research projects,...
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    Linked Open Greek Pottery: Kerameikos.org and Linked Art

    This is a brief slideshow intended to be delivered (by Sami Norling?) in my absence from the Linked Art: Networking Digital Collections and Scholarship event at the Victoria &...
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    Measuring the Impact of Special Collections and Archives in the Digital Age: ...

    The unique and distinctive collections held by research libraries have long been recognised as cultural assets to their institutions with strong research and educational...
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    SWINOSTICS – Swine diseases field diagnostics toolbox

    The increased population density in modern animal production systems has made them vulnerable to various transboundary infectious agents that threaten productivity of the meat...
  • dataset

    [DATA_SCIENCE] Interviews Plant Phenomics, 2015

    Here are two transcripts from a set of interviews executed by Sabina Leonelli in the fall of 2015 as part of the ERC project "The Epistemology of Data-Intensive...