19 items found

Groups: Datacite Tags: ACM.TheoryofComputation_MATHEMATICALLOGICANDFORMALLANGUAGES Molecular Biology

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  • dataset

    Additional file 3: Table S3. of Evaluation and comparison of bioinformatic to...

    List of features of the tools analysed by multiple correspondence analysis. Abbreviations: N, no; Y, yes. (XLSX 12ย�kb)
  • dataset

    R script to create 'barcodes' file for de-multiplexing

    NOTE: This file is part of the original version of this data package. It is superfluous to the new version.
  • dataset


    MIRA contigs and singletons concatenated into a single fasta file or each library
  • dataset


    This document defines all abbreviations within the other data files.
  • dataset

    MOESM6 of Ezh2-dCas9 and KRAB-dCas9 enable engineering of epigenetic memory i...

    Additional file 6: Table S2. Lists of H3K27ac ChIP-seq peaks.
  • dataset

    Files for GPhoCS analysis

    These files are the input and control (.ctl) files used to conduct the GPhoCS analysis
  • dataset

    Additional file 5: of Tailoring an educational program on the AHRQ Patient Sa...

    PSI Educational Program Matrix. This file highlights information covered in each session of the PSI Educational Program and provides a list of materials referenced in each...
  • dataset

    ChiLin: a comprehensive ChIP-seq and DNase-seq quality control and analysis p...

    Abstract Background Transcription factor binding, histone modification, and chromatin accessibility studies are important approaches to understanding the biology of gene...
  • dataset

    single resource sibling competition experiment

    single resource sibling competition experiment
  • dataset


    Contains the codeml.ctl text files and tree files used to run the PAML analyses.
  • dataset


    Additional file 2: Table S2. Quality values of ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data.
  • publication


    Additional file 3. A list of abbreviations is included.
  • publication

    How to cite software: current best practice

    Introduction to the software citation principles, and how they can be applied, as part of the Software Citation Workshop organised by the Software Sustainability Institute, the...
  • publication

    Additional file 5: of Tailoring an educational program on the AHRQ Patient Sa...

    PSI Educational Program Matrix. This file highlights information covered in each session of the PSI Educational Program and provides a list of materials referenced in each...
  • other

    ChiLin: a comprehensive ChIP-seq and DNase-seq quality control and analysis p...

    Abstract Background Transcription factor binding, histone modification, and chromatin accessibility studies are important approaches to understanding the biology of gene...
  • software

    A general proof certification framework for modal logic - Implementation

    This archive contains the lambda-prolog implementation of a general proof certification framework for modal logic
  • dataset

    Simple Dataset for Proof Method Recommendation in Isabelle/HOL

    Recently, a growing number of researchers have applied machine learning to assist users of interactive theorem provers. However, the expressive nature of underlying logics and...
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Sex differences in the molecular signature of the devel...

    Metadata table for RNA-seq assay. File contains information on RNA-seq samples such as sample ID, sex, timepoint, and estrous stage. (CSV 749 bytes)