20 items found

Groups: Datacite Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Ecological Genetics Genetics Natural Selection and Contemporary Evolution Science Policy

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    Standard input file for BLAST2GO. This file can be loaded directly into .jnlp executable file downloaded from BLAST2GO website. Includes BLASTX results against NCBI’s...
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    Genotypes for European lines of A. thaliana (Chromosome 1) genotyped at a density of one SNP per kb. These data are used in our tutorial example 2 and supplementary file 2. Data...
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    D. melanogaster median Fst and latitude

    D. melanogaster Fst values for pair-wise population comparisons and the latitude of each population. The analysis of isolation by distance used the median Fst (median.Fst) and...
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    Environmental data for the polygenic RDA analysis
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    Information on SNPs identified from transcriptome data (vcf file)

    SNPs identified from transcriptome alignment files in variant call format. SNPs were identified using GATK. Parameters and filters for calling SNPs are listed in header....
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    Alternative splice events identified in Peromyscus leucopus transcriptome

    This FASTA file contains two sequences for each alternative splicing sequence, labeled as upper and lower splice, that was identified in the Peromyscus leucopus transcriptome.
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    Origin and number of frogs used for mtDNA analysis

    Populations, geographic coordinates and sample sizes of samples used for mtDNA analysis. The column “Microsat No.*” refers to the numbering of populations in Table S1 (new),...
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    A list of CNVs in the unfiltered Wytham Woods dataset
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    perl script to run quantiNEMO simulations

    This is a wrapper script that I wrote to run quantiNEMO to generate the simulated data files that were analyzed in the paper.
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    2497_indiv_phenotype.txt file. This file contains the phenotypes used in the analysis. Note that phenotypes are not available for all genotyped individuals. For more information...
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    The .ped file is a file of genotypes in plink style (see http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/~purcell/plink/). The column headings are: Family ID, Individual ID, Paternal ID, Maternal...
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    Simulated Data

    ################################################## Introduction ################################################## The data was simulated with ms (Hudson, Bioinformatics,...
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    Genetic data (G) and environmental data (E) infiles that were analyzed in this manuscript. These data sets were simulated in R according to the Wright-Fisher model with...
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    A list of CNVs in the filtered Wytham Woods dataset
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    Explanations for datafile "Microsatellite data.xls" This datafile contains microsatellite genotype information of Mastomys natalensis. General comment: "-9" describes a...
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    Environmental data for the PCNM+RDA analysis
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    FASTA file. DNA sequences of MHC class II alleles which have been validated as true alleles according to criteria described in the paper, but have been detected only in a single...
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    Contig sequences for P. leucopus transcriptome (fasta file)

    Transcriptome contigs assembled from raw SOLiD 5500 xl sequencing reads using Trinity. Only contigs with high-quality open reading frames identified from Transdecoder and...
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    wrapper perl scripts for simulations

    This compressed directory contains a set of perl scripts that were used to run the R Wright-Fisher simulations and generate the data sets analyzed in this paper.