65 items found

Groups: Datacite Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Biochemistry Developmental Biology Genetics Molecular Biology Physiology Science Policy

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  • dataset

    Study dataset.

    Compliance with NPG checklist items: data dictionary available in project space. In version 2, 7 errors from the previous version at database lock (publication date for PMID...
  • dataset


    We measured larval mortality for S. droebachiensis at 3 different temperatures (3, 10 and 21 °C) reared in 4-l culture jars (n = 3). Temperatures in the jars were maintained...
  • dataset


    Young Active Trans-Tibial Amputee (TT) Subjects -- Data in Matlab Mat-File Format
  • dataset


    A zip file containing two data files plus a third text file containing descriptions of the data files. See file "File annotations.txt" included int the archive for more...
  • dataset


    The file ‘interaction matrices.zip’ is a compressed folder that contains 232 text files. Each file contains a matrix where each row (and column) represents a single individual....
  • dataset

    R script to create 'barcodes' file for de-multiplexing

    NOTE: This file is part of the original version of this data package. It is superfluous to the new version.
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Different copies of SENSITIVITY TO RED LIGHT REDUCED 1 ...

    Figure S2. Protein structure predictions based on the PredictProtein server. Red squares in the first row indicate predicted alpha-helices, blue squares indicate strands. Yellow...
  • dataset

    Morphometric data

    This table contains morphometric measurements in millimeters of the four focal taxa. Measurements are: length of innermost retrices, wing chord, culmen length, and tarsus...
  • dataset

    Additional file 4: of lncRNA profile of Apis mellifera and its possible role ...

    Common differentially expressed lncRNAs and mRNAs among the three comparisons. (XLS 134 kb)
  • dataset

    Complete data set

    Data on farm-level structural variables, farmland bird inventory data, and uptake of conservation measures, collected through the Swedish Volunteer & Farmer Alliance. A...
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    This is part 2 of the reverse raw reads from Illumina sequencing. Please download all three parts and recombine them using the following command in Terminal or Command Prompt:...
  • dataset

    Supplemental Dataset 4

    Supplemental Data. Walker et al. (2017). Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.16.00961. Supplemental Dataset 4. GO term overrepresentation analysis. GO terms (biological process/molecular...
  • dataset

    Additional file 10: of lncRNA profile of Apis mellifera and its possible role...

    The top 20 enriched KEGG pathways of differentially expressed mRNAs from the three comparison groups. (XLS 31 kb)
  • dataset

    Ensembl genes [data set for teaching purposes]

    CSV file for teaching purposes.
  • dataset

    MOESM2 of Confirmation of translatability and functionality certifies the dua...

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. Sanger dideoxy-sequencing of DEspR spanning amino acid 14 (aa14) codon-TGG position within a Yamakawa compression-motif [Y-G-N1, 2-A-R]: DEspR 5′...
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    Laboratory Data

    This is the file containing the laboratory data of the experiments.
  • dataset

    Full Data-Set

    Full dataset used in the analyses column #1: total mass of focal seeds (of paternal genotype i) on a given ear column #2: number of focal seeds (of paternal genotype i) on a...
  • dataset

    Gene expression data

    Typical example of the gene expression data obtained from microarray experiments. Each number represents the change (increase or decrease) of the gene expression level of the...
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of A role for endothelial nitric oxide synthase...

    Qualitative supervised classification of human CRC tumors into different CRC subtypes. Data analysis was performed using nSolver software from NanoString Technologies. Raw...