15 items found

Types: software Groups: Datacite Tags: 110309 Infectious Diseases 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Biochemistry Genetics Microbiology

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  • software

    Software used in 'Discontinuous Galerkin discretization for two-equation turb...

    This record collates DOIs for the software components used in 'Discontinuous Galerkin discretization for two-equation turbulence closure model'. The Firedrake components and...
  • software

    OpenMC 0.6.1

    New Features Coarse mesh finite difference (CMFD) acceleration no longer requires PETSc Statepoint file numbering is now zero-padded Python scripts now compatible with...
  • software

    Inovesa/Inovesa: 2016-11

    This feature level is described in the first paper (see https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.05293). It supports everything needed to do simulations of longitudinal phase space. Change...
  • software

    Pooch: A friend to fetch your sample data files

    Does your Python package include sample datasets? Are you shipping them with the code? Are they getting too big? Pooch is here to help! It will manage a data registry by...
  • software

    MultiDOE: sampling technics on MATLAB/OCTAVE - v3.2

    MultiDOE This MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox regroups many existing tools for generating sample points using many specific DOE techniques: Full factorial sampling Latin Hypercube...
  • software

    Inovesa "Gamma" (Rc 1)

    Features: Traditional rotation can now performed off-center IO: Build options are printed to result files fftw wisdom files are now saved at $XDG_DATA_HOME Added...
  • software

    snewhouse/switch-os: 17.07.v0.1

    Seamlessly switch between host OS and guest OS using Docker :whale: . Inspired by: oswitch VERSION: 17.07.v0.1 AUTHOR: Stephen Newhouse stephen.j.newhouse@gmail.com...
  • software

    StuntsPT/Structure_threader: Bells and whistles

    Lots of changes in this new release. Implemented improved logging (with colors!) The arguments are now split between run and plot There were plenty of changes to the way...
  • software

    neuroscout/neuroscout: 0.3.0

    What's Changed fix ordering of levels in model generation. (#436) @rwblair Allow reports to be generated multiple times per session if analysis is updated. (#433)...
  • software

    neuroscout/neuroscout: 0.7 -- pre-corona virus

    What's Changed Truncate contrast name in NV upload (#740) @adelavega Extract Sensorimotor Norms (#739) @adelavega Context-dependent word level estimates (#734) @adelavega Add f...
  • software

    rubenarslan/formr.org: v0.16.13

    Bug fix release. [0.16.13] - 02.10.2017 Changed See closed issues for details add mc_horizontal class fix some CSS bugs in new material design several UI fixes
  • software

    poldracklab/fmriprep: 1.1.7

    Release Notes Several bug fixes. With thanks to Elizabeth Dupre and Romain Vala for contributions. CHANGES [FIX] Revert FreeSurfer download URL (#1280) @chrisfilo [FIX] Default...
  • software

    tidybayes: Tidy Data and Geoms for Bayesian Models

    Various geoms and stats have been merged together under the geom_slabinterval() and stat_slabinterval() "meta-geom" (#84). This has enabled a bunch of new geoms to...
  • software

    connectomicslab/connectomemapper3: Connectome Mapper v3.0.0-beta-20200206

    This is the beta release 3.0.0-beta-20190815 of the Connectome Mapper. List of changes with respect to previous 3.0.0-beta-20190520: DOC: Update index.rst DOC: fix typo...
  • software

    Inovesa "Gamma"

    Features: Traditional rotation can now performed off-center IO: Build options are printed to result files fftw wisdom files are now saved at $XDG_DATA_HOME Added...