24 items found

Types: dataset Groups: Datacite Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified Science Policy demography

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  • dataset

    Sample description.

    BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory II [38]. STAI-T: trait scale of the State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory [39]. LEC: Life Events Checklist [40]. Test for differences between groups:...
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    Final competition population time series

    Population counts across all samples for T. castaneum and T. confusum during the competition experiment. A key to the spreadsheet is included in the file.
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    Baseline characteristics of participants.

    Data are presented as mean±SD, median (interquartile range) or percent. Chi-square test for categorical variables, the unpaired t test or Mann-Whitney U test for continuous...
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    Vital responses to experimental snow removal at one study population. The csv file was made in Excel. Variables are described in the associated README.txt file.
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    These are the data from the first experiment described in the paper, with one host plant (cabbage), and a factorial manipulation of founding population size and genetic...
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    This .csv file includes the raw data used for the analysis in this experiment that explored the macroscale effect by bioclimatic zone (temperate, mizedwood, and boreal) and seed...
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    Comparative demographics of rainbow skinks

    This is a compressed zip file of all the datasets and scripts used in this study grouped by analysis or dataset.
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    Data on the impacts of the temperature treatments (16ºC, 20ºC and 24ºC) to early survival of Cystoseira zosteroides. This file is required to run the code CzIPM.R.
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    Mating Success in Ambush Bugs

    Cross-sectional mating success data for Phymata americana in 2003 and 2004. Sampling was conducted at the Koffler Scientific Reserve at Joker's Hill (S. Ontario, Canada)
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    Data on the impacts of temperature (16ºC, 20ºC and 24ºC) on the settlement of Cystoseira zosteroides early stages. This file is needed to perform the projections in CzIPM.R code.
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    Tree data used in Chevalier et al. Revisiting the abundant-center hypothesis: a niche perspectiveAbundance data were from:Woudenberg, S.W., Conkling, B.L., OConnell, B.M.,...
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    File containing 500 phylogenetic trees for the taxa included in tests of phylogenetic signal in responses of clutch size to elevational differences as described in the README...
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    Baited Stations

    Details of camera trap pictures taken at 8 baited stations in San Guillermo National Park (Argentina), including species registered, total number of Andean condors, their age...
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    Mitochondrial morphology scoring
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    Mitochondrial morphology plus TrackScar

    Mitochondrial morphology plus TrackScar
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    Participant Demographics.

    1Age at enrolment,2mean value (range),3Body Mass Index,4Pre-enrolment IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase (normal range below 20 U/ml),5duration of...
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    Density-dependent function, relating the number of Cystoseira zosteroides recruits with the number of adults. It is a generalized linear model (GLM) with Poisson error...
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    Population count and productivity data for roseate terns in NW Europe

    The data file includes data on breeding pairs and number of fledglings of roseate terns on Rockabill, Lady's Island Lake and Coquet Island, in NW Europe.
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    This file contains the parameter values and covariates used for regression analyses in this paper. Please see the "Data Accessibility" section of the paper for information on...
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    This paper aims to contribute to the area of geodemographic research through the development of a new and novel flow-based classification of commuting for England and Wales. In...