4,279 items found

Groups: Datacite Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Biotechnology

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    Raw output data from Stacks catalogue - includes alleles, SNPs and RAD tags called from Stacks reference mapping pipeline.
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    Agrold Rdf Dump

    AgroLD (the Agronomic Linked Data www.agrold.org), is a knowledge based system that exploits the Semantic Web technology and some of the relevant standard domain...
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    Dataset: Number of diagnoses with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in The Nethe...

    Datasets in this publication report the number of diagnoses with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) based on RIVM reports in The Netherlands. Since 3 March, RIVM reports the number...
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    Global elimination of leprosy by 2020: are we on track?

    Abstract Background Every year more than 200,000 new leprosy cases are registered globally. This number has been fairly stable over the past 8 years. WHO has set a target to...
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    Supplementary data: CR1 retroelement insertions bioinformatic pipeline part4

    Supplementary data: CR1 retroelement insertions bioinformatic pipeline part4
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    Data used for the analysis.

    Readable table containing all the density estimates used in this study, the results of the Ising model, the signal strength index (SSI) for each image, the age of each subject...
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    ERA-NUTS: time-series based on C3S ERA5 for European regions

    # ERA-NUTS (1980-2018) This dataset contains a set of time-series of meteorological variables based on Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) ERA5 reanalysis. The data files...
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    Initiating an undiagnosed diseases program in the Western Australian public h...

    Abstract Background New approaches are required to address the needs of complex undiagnosed diseases patients. These approaches include clinical genomic diagnostic pipelines,...
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    Transformed Survival Data from McDonald 1980

    Survival data from McDonald 1980 transformed for fitting
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    On the design of a DEA-based device to pot entially assist lower leg disorder...

    Abstract Background One of the recommended treatments for disorders associated with the lower extremity venous insufficiency is the application of external mechanical...
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    How do midwives facilitate women to give birth during physiological second st...

    Abstract Background Midwivesâ practices during the second stage of labour vary nationally and internationally. We aim to retrieve evidence that supports high-quality intrapartum...
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    helper effect data deposited into the achieving system

    helper effect data deposited into the achieving system
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    Histogram size

    Data file to use in R code 'Stats_GLMMs'. This contains information on the size distances of all the eggs measured in the study.
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    Hydro Energy Inflow For Power System Studies

    Energy inflow time series for hydro power on the European country level. Inflow was derived from reanalysis data using a potential energy approach. Dataset includes ten years...
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    MOESM2 of Normal transcription of cellulolytic enzyme genes relies on the bal...

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. Saturation analysis of the depth of sequencing data. X-axis showed the number of clean reads, whose extreme value was the current volume of...
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    Additional file 1: of Prevalence and determinants of use of complementary and...

    Dataset. This file contains data supporting the results of this study. (DTA 405 kb)
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    Additional file 4: of A systematic review of transmission dynamic studies of ...

    Recommendations for the future mathematical transmission model development based on A) Transmission mechanisms of MRSA; and B) Current model deficiencies. (DOCX 25 kb)
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    Software tool for internal standard based normalization of lipids, and effect...

    Abstract Background Lipidomics, the comprehensive measurement of lipids within a biological system or substrate, is an emerging field with significant potential for improving...
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    Mean ocular media transmission

    Mean ocular media transmission
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    3-D computer graphics based on integral photography

    Integral photography (IP), which is one of the ideal 3-D photographic technologies, can be regarded as a method of capturing and displaying light rays passing through a plane....