119 items found

Types: software Groups: Datacite Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Biochemistry Genetics

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  • software

    gitter-lab/SINGE: Version 0.2.0

    Version 0.3.0 contains optimizations that greatly increase SINGE's speed but can change its output: Switch to single precision for the kernel matrix Set an upper bound...
  • software


    One of the larger WrightTools releases: Dropped support for Python 3.5 -- Now 3.6+ only (#798) New method: Moment (see #786): Take the Nth moment of a channel along an axis...
  • software

    Software used in 'The scaling and skewness of optimally transported meshes on...

    This records collates DOIs for the software components used in 'The scaling and skewness of optimally transported meshes on the sphere'. The Firedrake components and...
  • software

    Segmentator v1.3.0

    Segmentator is a free and open-source package for multi-dimensional data exploration and segmentation for 3D images. This application is mainly developed and tested using...
  • software

    Poldracklab/Fmriprep: 1.0.12

    Release Notes A long overdue release. This release integrates the great work of @mgxd to provide results in the CIFTI/grayordinates format for surface-based analyses. It also...
  • software

    MorphoLibJ: MorphoLibJ 1.3.0

    MorphoLibJ libraray v1.3.0. New features: Interactive tool for watershed distance transform (2D/3D) Interactive tool for morphological reconstruction using manual markers...
  • software

    TractSeg pretrained weights - endings_segmentation

    Pretrained weights for TractSeg for output type "endings_segmentation".
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.8

    Behavior changes: No longer default to overwriting trace directories. ReproZip will ask what to do or exit with an error if one of --continue/--overwrite is not provided...
  • software

    WCSSP-FORTIS: 2019 FORTIS Training Web App

    A file sharing platform for running multiple training courses in South East Asia. The application  https://fortis-training.herokuapp.com/ is being used as part of the WCSSP...
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.9

    (reprounzip-vistrails didn't change) Bugfixes: Fix CentOS Docker image versions Remove Fedora Docker images, they don't have tar Do include .pyc files in packages, so...
  • software


    massypup64 is a linux live system for mass spectrometry data analysis, workflows and data mining.
  • software

    MitoS segmentation tool (GPU) for Linux

    The MitoS segmentation tool (GPU) is an easy-to-use GUI-based segmentation tool that enables biologists to use the pretrained deep learning model MitoSegNet to segment...
  • software

    pybinding v0.9.5: a Python package for tight-binding calculations

    Pybinding is a Python package for numerical tight-binding calculations in solid state physics. The main features include: Declarative model construction - The user just...
  • software

    Pooch: A friend to fetch your sample data files

    Does your Python package include sample datasets? Are you shipping them with the code? Are they getting too big? Pooch is here to help! It will manage a data registry by...
  • software

    Software used in 'PCPATCH: software for the topological construction of multi...

    This record collates DOIs for the software components used in 'PCPATCH: software for the topological construction of multigrid relaxation methods'. The Firedrake components...
  • software

    MultiDOE: sampling technics on MATLAB/OCTAVE - v3.2

    MultiDOE This MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox regroups many existing tools for generating sample points using many specific DOE techniques: Full factorial sampling Latin Hypercube...
  • software

    Ycm 0.6.0

    YCM 0.6.0 (2017-12-21) Release Notes Changes made since YCM 0.4 include the following. Modules Generic Modules GetAllCMakeProperties: Add CMake policy stack PUSH and POP...
  • software

    Regularised ADMM reconstruction algorithm for X-ray CT (ADMM-tomo)

    Regularised ADMM-type iterative reconstruction algorithm for X-ray tomographic reconstruction. Software highlights: Tomographic projection data are simulated without the...
  • software

    Inovesa: Gamma Three

    Changes since v1.0.2 Fixed statistical moments when normalisation is lost Made time printing safe for multi-threading Updated readme Changes since v1.0.1 Improved...
  • software

    formr.org: v0.8.0

    Version 0.8.0 Issues closed by this release here. Important additions: Items can be shuffled (in and between blocks) now. Timed submit buttons allow you to specify a...