125 items found

Licenses: License Not Specified Tags: 60506 Virology 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Cancer Developmental Biology Molecular Biology Groups: Datacite Types: dataset

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  • dataset

    File S2. PBW trees and output

    File S2. This file contains the trees for all analyses of the PBW dataset, as well as the resulting PAUP* output. Individual files are described in the readme within the zip file.
  • dataset

    Full Data-Set

    Full dataset used in the analyses column #1: total mass of focal seeds (of paternal genotype i) on a given ear column #2: number of focal seeds (of paternal genotype i) on a...
  • dataset

    Gene expression data

    Typical example of the gene expression data obtained from microarray experiments. Each number represents the change (increase or decrease) of the gene expression level of the...
  • dataset

    Additional file 7: of A purely bioinformatic pipeline for the prediction of m...

    Annotation tracks listing all predicted enhancers for genomic architecture in which an element search was performed. BED-formatted text files (.bed) annotating, at threshold...
  • dataset

    Data Analysis

    This file contains all of the R code used in the analysis and to create the figures for this paper.
  • dataset


    This describes the output files for the CIViCmine project. These files are loaded directly by the CIViCmine viewer. The code for this viewer is available in the CIViCmine Github...
  • dataset

    data_for dryad

    The attending spreadsheet contains data from all 3 levels of diversity and 2 group sizes. Data were collected by JBS, ETA, JG, MH, and NM. The “diversity” column refers to the...
  • dataset

    Fly Tracking Arena Data

    Arena data associated with the Fly Tracking data. Arena size is given in column A. Replicate number is given in column B. Arena center in pixels is given in columns C and D....
  • dataset

    Additional file 3: Table S3. of Identification of cardiomyopathy associated c...

    Summary of published data regarding miR-26a, miR-222 and miR-378-a5p. (DOC 126 kb)
  • dataset

    Read files for all experiments

    Read files for all experiments and all markers targeted
  • dataset


    Metadata describing the contents of all data files.
  • dataset

    Phenotype File

    This file contains skull and mandible shape principal component (PC) scores for each mouse. PC scores were normalized to mean 0 and std of 1. Mandible PC scores were calculated...
  • dataset


    This describes the output files for the BioWordlists project. These files are ancillary data for other text mining projects. Each file is a tab-delimited file with one term per...
  • dataset

    Supplementary Table 1

    Commensal rodent species are key reservoirs for Toxoplasma gondii in the domestic environment. In rodents, different T. gondii strains show variable patterns of virulence...
  • dataset


    This perl script merges files listed in column 1 of an input csv file based on various columns within the files to be merged. For example, if chromosome number is found in...
  • dataset

    Supplementary File S2

    Phylogenetic tree files in nexus format from concatenation and coalescent analyses of the entire dataset and subsets of the data matrix.
  • dataset

    Simulation parameters.

    MBR = MPW = MCV = 100, MCA = WBA. n ∈ {3, 9, 27}, WBA ∈ [0.1, 2], WPC ∈ [0, 20], WCT = 0.1. ⌈n/2⌉ groups of size 1 and ⌊n/2⌋ of size chosen uniformly at random from [1, ⌊n/2⌋]....
  • dataset


    Combination chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil and dacarbazine in advanced medullary thyroid cancer, a possible alternative?
  • dataset

    Parameter estimates.

    In model of multi-study gene-level influenza data: θ is the overall rate of genes involved with influenza; α represents false positive measurement errors, and β measures false...
  • dataset

    Assembly Statistics

    ‘all’ indicates assembly generated from the full HiSeq dataset; ‘rec’ indicates assembly generated from the recruited subset; Cov indicates the combined coverage of each segment...