361 items found

Groups: Datacite Open Access Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Inorganic Chemistry Physiology Science Policy

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  • dataset

    Species, land use and temperature data

    The file includes data from different sources including reports (see file for detailed references) and estimations based on these sources.
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    Body condition for all mesocosm juveniles, calculated as residuals from a length-weight regression and standardized to weight of a fish of average length.
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    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
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    Auditory Nerve data file 2 (file 2 out of 2)

    This Matlab MAT file contains single unit electrophysiological data recorded from mouse auditory nerve fibers from a sample of 8 animals.
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    longitudinal data on female yearly reproductive success and ornament expression
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    Supplemental File 2 Sidneyia inexpectans protopodite

    Supplemental File 2: DAT file of Sidneyia inexpectans protopodite volume mesh used in FEA analysis.
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    Bud Measurements

    This data file includes measurements of floral organs from buds at different sizes/stages of development, including early stage buds examined using scanning electron microscopy...
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    Raw mass spec files from differentially expressed proteins of Sydney rock oys...

    Tryptic peptides were analysed by reversed phase nanoflow liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) on an QExactive mass spectrometer (Thermo scientific, CA,...
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    Supplemental Data 1

    Phylogenetic dataset (TNT) used in the study. The TNT file can be converted to .nex from the ‘export (nexus format)’ function in TNT, or alternatively can be opened by ‘open...
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    Additional file 8 of Dissecting the factors shaping fish skin microbiomes in ...

    Additional file 8: Table S5. Pairwise PERMANOVA tests for beta diversity differences among fish families or tribes, for raw swab bacterial communities and corrected skin...
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    Readme file accompanying data files

    See Readme file and file list
  • dataset

    MOESM2 of Genetic assessment of residual feed intake as a feed efficiency tra...

    Additional file: Table S2. Information and phenotypic data for animals tested during the period from day 1 to 21. Data include animal ID, sire ID, dam ID, family ID, sex, tank...
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    Annotation File for the Annotated Reference Transcriptome of the Eastern Oyster

    The Excel file provides the annotation information, including original source transcriptome, for each contig in the reference transcriptome. The ReadMe files describes the...
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    Fundulus notatus raw data

    Excel file containing the raw data (morphometric measurements as well as data on population, drainage, habitat, age, and sex).
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    spT BP&amp;P input file 1

    spT BP&P input file 1
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    Total number of individuals of each bird species recorded along each 250-m transect per year. Rowname - row identification including the transect code and the bird census year....
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    Eclipse 2017 Recording Of Lower 17M Ham Band From Grid Em93Sl

    Peter Kobak, K0BAK Wideband recording of the digital/CW portion of the 17 meter ham band, from a location a few miles from the eclipse centerline in South Carolina:...
  • dataset

    output from 'lethal' and 'sublethal' models

    This Zip archive contains 14 netCDF files with the output from the lethal, sublethal, and age-at-maturity models. All file names indicate the time period ['contemp' = 1980-2000;...
  • dataset


    Fig.1 The He number density for equilibrium He bubble at 300K. The green and red dots correspond to the unsaturated and saturated state, respectively. Fig.2 The pressure of...