560 items found

Types: dataset Groups: Datacite Open Access Tags: Biochemistry Developmental Biology Evolutionary Biology Genetics

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    Mouse data

    Counts of adults worms and miracidea of 3 different lines (susceptible, resistant and mixed resistant-susceptible) inside the mouse host exposed to three different treatments:...
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    Eisenhauer et al 2017 Sci Rep Data

    Eisenhauer et al 2017 Sci Rep Data
  • dataset

    The Red Queen in the Repository: metadata quality in an ever-changing environ...

    This fileset contains a preprint version of the conference paper (.pdf), presentation slides (as .pptx) and the dataset(s) and validation schema(s) for the IDCC 2019 (Melbourne)...
  • dataset

    Study dataset.

    Compliance with NPG checklist items: data dictionary available in project space. In version 2, 7 errors from the previous version at database lock (publication date for PMID...
  • dataset

    Additional file 8: Table S6. of Phylogeography of human Y-chromosome haplogro...

    Data retrieval and phylogenetic features of the sequence alignment used for the tree. (XLSX 14 kb)
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    Supplementary table 1 - gene expression measurements in 0-2 hour Drosophila e...

    Gene expression data including ribosome profiling and RNA-seq for 0-2 hour embryos and S2 cells. Source data for Figures 1 and 2, as well as their supplements. Data are...
  • dataset

    Test set for geodesics

    This is a set of 500000 geodesics for the WGS84 ellipsoid; this is an ellipsoid of revolution with equatorial radius a = 6378137 m and flattening f = 1/298.257223563. Each...
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    DNA sequence data for the gene SUMO-1 activating enzyme (sae-1) for multiple individuals for multiple races of Heliconius erato. The data is derived from direct sequencing,...
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    Supplementary Data: "Challenges In Automated High-Throughput Ab Initio Thermo...

    These supplementary data contain input and output files of EMTO density-functional theory (DFT) calculations and IPython/Jupyter notebooks that were used in analyzing the...
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    Additional file 12: Table S8. of Phylogeography of human Y-chromosome haplogr...

    Phylogenetic tree of the haplogroup Q3-L275 developed by citizen scientists (administrators of the Y-DNA Haplogroup Q-M242 Project [54]). (XLSX 39Â kb)
  • dataset

    MOESM3 of Identification of non-conserved residues essential for improving th...

    Additional file 3: Figure S2. GC–MS profiles of extracts from E. coli cell cultures coexpressing 7942AAR and ADO from one of 10 representative cyanobacteria. a Whole GC–MS...
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    Additional file 3: of Alternative DNA secondary structure formation affects R...

    A list of 5959 pausing sites located outside of RefSeq gene bodies. (DAT 234 kb)
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    MOESM2 of Bioinformatics studies of Influenza A hemagglutinin sequence data i...

    Additional file 2. Complete sequence data of the hemagglutinins identified as leading to recombination-like events listed in Additional file 1 and Table 3 are included as text...
  • dataset

    Tail-Seq For X. Laevis Wild-Type Early Embryos Replicate Set #1 (Internal Id:...

    This dataset contains the raw sequencing data from a TAIL-seq run for Xenopus laevis embryos. The cluster intensities of fluorescence signals are repacked as an HDF5 formatted...
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    Reference sequences for ancient-2

    Reference sequences for sample ancient-2. Use with file 'Alignment of merged reads for ancient-2'.
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    Figure S3. Ethics approval of the animal usage. (JPG 1160 kb)
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    Table that contains tarsus length phenotypes (3 columns). Ind_ID: identifier of the individual; Tarsus: tarsus length in mm; Sex: sex of the individual (0 = female, 1 = male).
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    This file contains daily VeDBA activity data, collected in the field for the second analysis “Daily energy expenditure of dispersing vs. philopatric individuals”. Columns: 1:...
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    Additional file 1: of Umbilical cord as a long-term source of activatable mes...

    Figure S1. Antibody staining of early and late induced MSC-EMs. Early and late induced MSC-EMs were stained with antibodies for CD73, CD90, and CD105 to confirm the mesenchymal...
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    Coding sequences in fasta format. This file includes the coding sequences of the 824 anopheline salivary proteins analyzed in this study and included in Additional file 2 (excel...