28 items found

Types: dataset Groups: Datacite figshare Tags: Developmental Biology response

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    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
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    We measured larval mortality for S. droebachiensis at 3 different temperatures (3, 10 and 21 °C) reared in 4-l culture jars (n = 3). Temperatures in the jars were maintained...
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    Experimental Data Set

    Using two sample method, quadrant and transect tapes. Using the quadrants we will take 5 samples in the forest and 5 in the grasslands. There we will determine the frequency of...
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Bioinformatics analysis of glial inflammatory responses...

    Differentially expressed RNAs between “nPM-treated”and control groups. (CSV 167 kb)
  • dataset

    Baseline characteristics of participants.

    Data are presented as mean±SD, median (interquartile range) or percent. Chi-square test for categorical variables, the unpaired t test or Mann-Whitney U test for continuous...
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    Model parameters.

    aSpecified with reference to Cook [30] and Waage et al. [36] using distributions defined in Biosecurity Australia [31]; b Derived from Sapoukhina et al. [37]; c ABS [6], Note...
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    Patient data.

    Detailed clinical, electrodiagnostic and sonographic findings of all patients. (AD—active denervation, APD—anterior-posterior diameter, BR—brachioradialis muscle, ECR—extensor...
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    Data used in preparation of Figs 1F, 1G; 2E; 3B, 3C; 4D, 4E; 5C, 5E, 5G, 5I and 5K. (XLSX)
  • dataset


    This r-file contains the negative likelihood functions plus some underlying functions needed to perform functional response fitting using the faster differential equation solver...
  • dataset

    Data files for 'Morphological and digestive adjustments buffer performance: h...

    Data file include 5 files: 1) break force & prey quality; 2) Food availability & food composition & diet selection; 3) function response; 4) gizzard; 5) The weight...
  • dataset

    MOESM1 of Cerebrospinal fluid protein and glucose levels in neonates with a s...

    Additional file 1. Raw data for the newborns included in the report.
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    This spreadsheet contains trait data for all 5831 species of mammals that lived during the last ~130,000 years including both extant and extinct species. This data includes body...
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    Additional file 1: Table S1. of MRMPlus: an open source quality control and a...

    Sample Skyline-derived response curve experiment input to MRMPlus. (TXT 128Â kb)
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    Principal Component Analysis

    Copyright information:Taken from "Combined histomorphometric and gene-expression profiling applied to toxicology"Genome Biology 2003;4(5):R32-R32.Published online 30 Apr...
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    Data of the weight, egg to adult survival, development time, starvation, and response to stress
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    Baseline characteristics.

    *School-level deprivation uses the decile assigned to each school by the New Zealand Ministry of Education for funding purposes. It reflects the proportion of students who live...
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    Plasmids used in this study.

    aLike YCpHA-BUD8 [20] except in a YEplac111 [53] background.bLike YEpGFP*-BUD8 [20] except with two in-frame copies of the GFP coding sequence and in a YCplac33 [53] background.
  • dataset

    MOESM2 of Distinct immune responses of juvenile and adult oysters (Crassostre...

    Additional file 2.  List of regulated genes in juveniles and adults in response response to OsHV-1, V. aestuarianus and V . tasmaniensis LGP32. Statistical analysis of qPCR...
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    Supporting Information File

    Dialect intensity across the speech samples. Fig A shows the results of a formal linguistic test comparing the dialect intensity (i.e. regional accent in the given case) of our...
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    Additional file 8 of Comprehensive mapping of the cell response to E. coli in...

    Additional file 8. Genes identified through RNA-seq in the downstream bioinformatics analysis. Data sets from 1.1 to 1.3—Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) found in the cells...