395 items found

Groups: Datacite figshare Open Access Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified ACM.Data_FILES Molecular Biology Science Policy

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  • dataset


    This zip file extracts data used in Roy et al MEC-15-0690. The ".txt" file is the raw microsatellite scores in number of repeats formatted for the Convert.exe program. The...
  • dataset


    general description of project and description of manuscript files
  • dataset


    Standard input file for BLAST2GO. This file can be loaded directly into .jnlp executable file downloaded from BLAST2GO website. Includes BLASTX results against NCBI’s...
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    SI File 2 constraint

    Topological constraint file as used in the analysis.
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    CoNe Ne estimation output files for IBD scenarios with true Ne = 500. See the same readme for other input/output files for naming conventions.
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    This file contains descriptions of all the files associated with this Dryad package.
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    Restart files and input files for the v1306 scenario from level 13 to level 15
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    De Jong and Fowler data archive

    The first worksheet in this Excel file has the data we analyzed for this paper. The second worksheet in this Excel file has metadata (variable codes, etc.) for this data set.
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    Matlab code for two patch model run first

    This generates the matrices and information that is later used in the patches-analysis.m file. So run this file first.
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    This read-me file contains detailed descriptions of all data and script files accompanying this manuscript.
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    Bootstrap Trees for each gene for STAR

    Zip file of 370 rooted bootstrap gene trees. Each file contains 100 bootstrap replicates of each gene. Gene ID's in file names correspond to those listed Gene regions file which...
  • dataset

    Supplemental Data 1

    Phylogenetic dataset (TNT) used in the study. The TNT file can be converted to .nex from the ‘export (nexus format)’ function in TNT, or alternatively can be opened by ‘open...
  • dataset


    This file contains a description of the complete datapackage, individual ReadMe files are available for each data file.
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    Readme file accompanying data files

    See Readme file and file list
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    MOESM3 of Genome-wide methylation data mirror ancestry information

    Additional file 3. The reference list of informative CpGs.
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    Reply to Raia et al - Dryad data

    This is our raw data, for use with the attached R file.
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    Additional file 1: of The active microbial community more accurately reflects...

    Supporting Information. This file contains all the supporting information that is related to the manuscript, including additional results, figure captions and tables. This file...
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    Includes fasta sequence files, microsatellite genotype files, as well as other input files
  • dataset

    Annotation File for the Annotated Reference Transcriptome of the Eastern Oyster

    The Excel file provides the annotation information, including original source transcriptome, for each contig in the reference transcriptome. The ReadMe files describes the...
  • dataset

    Model source files

    This file contains the source files of the model used in the article. This model is an object-oriented model that has been implemented in Borland Delphi.