30 items found

Groups: Datacite figshare Open Access Tags: 111714 Mental Health 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Microbiology Uncategorised

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    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
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    Data Summary

    Summary of thirty game structures that compose the full combined data set [6–13]. BR 2006 [8] and DB 2005 [7] both also conducted one-shot games; we only describe and use their...
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    Dataset as the supporting information of the manuscript: Intervention on default contagion under partial information in a financial network published by journal PLOS ONE. The...
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    Baseline characteristics of participants.

    Data are presented as mean±SD, median (interquartile range) or percent. Chi-square test for categorical variables, the unpaired t test or Mann-Whitney U test for continuous...
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    Model parameters.

    aSpecified with reference to Cook [30] and Waage et al. [36] using distributions defined in Biosecurity Australia [31]; b Derived from Sapoukhina et al. [37]; c ABS [6], Note...
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    Experimental setup.

    Our experimental setup allows a validation of the classifiers on data from the same institution (Intra1 and Intra2), data from the same and another institution (Cross1 and...
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    Simulation parameters.

    MBR = MPW = MCV = 100, MCA = WBA. n ∈ {3, 9, 27}, WBA ∈ [0.1, 2], WPC ∈ [0, 20], WCT = 0.1. ⌈n/2⌉ groups of size 1 and ⌊n/2⌋ of size chosen uniformly at random from [1, ⌊n/2⌋]....
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    Parameter estimates.

    In model of multi-study gene-level influenza data: θ is the overall rate of genes involved with influenza; α represents false positive measurement errors, and β measures false...
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    Clinical data.

    Abbreviations: F = female; M = Male; yrs = years; Path = pathology; DNET = Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor; MTS = Mesiotemporal sclerosis; LGG = Low-Grade Glioma; AVM =...
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    Descriptive statistics.

    Table 1.  Descriptive statistics. (Notes: the R&D rec. and the R&D high variables are dummy variables equal to 1 if the associated expert's cost estimate...
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    Principal Component Analysis

    Copyright information:Taken from "Combined histomorphometric and gene-expression profiling applied to toxicology"Genome Biology 2003;4(5):R32-R32.Published online 30 Apr...
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    Data Sources.

    Intervention coverage data for the regression analysis was extracted from LiST model.7LiST uses baseline data mainly from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS),8Malaria...
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    Baseline characteristics.

    *School-level deprivation uses the decile assigned to each school by the New Zealand Ministry of Education for funding purposes. It reflects the proportion of students who live...
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    Original data

    Original data of individual measurements (n = 24) obtained in 12 subjects in two subsequent studies. Abbreviations: F: female; M: male; DM: diabetic; ND: non-diabetic; BMI: body...
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    Participant Demographics.

    1Age at enrolment,2mean value (range),3Body Mass Index,4Pre-enrolment IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase (normal range below 20 U/ml),5duration of...
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    Study design.

    Study type refers to the type of model and the inclusion of risk heterogeneity in the population modelled. Setting/MoT refers to the geographical setting and the mode of...
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    Oligonucleotides used in this study.

    aSequences in upper case letters are derived from the genome sequences of H. pylori 26695 [25], H. hepaticus[32], C. jejuni[33] and W. succinogenes[34]. Sequences introduced for...
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    Supporting Information File

    Dialect intensity across the speech samples. Fig A shows the results of a formal linguistic test comparing the dialect intensity (i.e. regional accent in the given case) of our...
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    Supplemental information.

    A pdf file containing supplemental information, tables, and figures associated with the manuscript titled, "Phylogenomics reveals the dynamic evolution of fungal nitric oxide...
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    Statistical analysis.

    Chi-square test indicating the relationship between processing parameters and consumption patterns of Munkoyo. Processing parameters and consumption patterns with P-values in...