966 items found

Types: dataset Groups: Datacite figshare Open Access Tags: Biotechnology Ecology Plant Biology

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  • dataset

    Eocene Data (Raw)

    The Eocene data from the Paleobiology Database (www.paleobiodb.org), downloaded 10-09-2013. Please note that this is raw data, un-culled. See the manuscript for a discussion of...
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    Great tit breeding attempts, oak and caterpillar phenology data

    Data collected in the field (Wytham Woods, Oxford, UK)
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    Natural history specimens collected and/or identified and deposited.

    Natural history specimen data collected and/or identified by Weir, Bevan, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2580-0701. Claims were made on Bloodhound, https://bloodhound-tracker.net...
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    Base De Datos Con Análisis De Abstracts Extraídos De Wos, Scopus, Y Scielo Re...

    Base de datos con análisis de abstracts extraídos de WoS, Scopus, y SciELO referentes al tratamiento periodístico de la crisis migratoria entre 2015 y 2018...
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    Sequence information

    This Excel file provides descriptive information about the sequences included in the sequence file (All individual clone sequences.fas). For each clone sequence, the descriptive...
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    The Red Queen in the Repository: metadata quality in an ever-changing environ...

    This fileset contains a preprint version of the conference paper (.pdf), presentation slides (as .pptx) and the dataset(s) and validation schema(s) for the IDCC 2019 (Melbourne)...
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    Empirical data

    Condition: n = natural, f = free ranging, c = captive. SexDim = sexual dimorphism. FemDom = Female dominance, measured by the relative hierarchical position of females as the...
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    Visualization 2: Focusing light with orbital angular momentum by circular arr...

    Electric field distribution of the vortex beam measured in time-domain. Originally published in Optics Express on 12 June 2017 (oe-25-12-13728)
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    All raw images used in this study at 60X oil NA1.4 lens, were taken using a spinning disk confocal microscope (CSUX, Yokogawa, Japan) equipped with an iXon+ DU-897-BV monochrome...
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    Partial Period sequences of moths collected in Sendai, Japan.
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    Tree, Ring and knot data used in the article 10.7717/peerj.873.
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    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
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    Setaria Morphological Character Measurements

    This file contains all morphological measurements of Setaria pumila, S. faberi, and S. viridis, used in principal components analyses for the publication. The characters...
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    Spatial distribution of random velocity inhomogeneities in the southern Aegea...

    This dataset contains supplementary files uploaded as part of the above journal article. 5 sub-datasets have been uploaded separately. The first sub-dataset contains the peak...
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    Tree quality parameters

    Data on Poulsenia armata seed quality at the level of tree at Los Tuxtlas forest, Mexico, from 2012. Data includes habit type, plot, tree tag, as well as, total nitrogen per...
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    The termite16S_distribution.csv is a spreadsheet showing the occurrence of each read in each sample, so that one can easily find out what sequence belongs to what sample. The...
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    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Promoting the expansion and function of huma...

    Cultured HCEC (P5 BM and P5 CM) injection in a rabbit corneal endothelial dysfunction model. More eye drops (six times a day) and subconjuctival injection (every 2 days) of...
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    <i>In vitro</i> and <i>in vivo</i> evaluation of antioxidant activity of <i>P...

    The antioxidant activity of Petasites japonicus flower buds cultivated in Tokushima, Japan, was examined in vitro and in vivo. The flower bud extracts were assayed using either...
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    Dataset of FT 40 Anonymous (11) 4-key fagottino containing detailed external and internal measurements, photos, and an endoscopic video. 
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    This file contains recapture data for individual enclosure replicates. For each enclosure replicate, data are included on when the trial was run, which enclosure the trial was...