579 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Groups: Datacite figshare Open Access Tags: 60506 Virology Developmental Biology Marine Biology

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    Raw data for the qPCR experiments. See readme file for a list of the columns' contents.
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    Additional file 5: of Growth zone segmentation in the milkweed bug Oncopeltus...

    Raw measurement data for eve. CSV file including the raw measurement data for eve expression. Each column is a single embryo, with each cell representing a summation of pixel...
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    Additional file 7: of Shared and genetically distinct Zea mays transcriptome ...

    Table S5. A master list of genes expressed within cold and recovery analyses. (CSV 4615 kb)
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    The Red Queen in the Repository: metadata quality in an ever-changing environ...

    This fileset contains a preprint version of the conference paper (.pdf), presentation slides (as .pptx) and the dataset(s) and validation schema(s) for the IDCC 2019 (Melbourne)...
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    Dryad Supplementary File 8. List of valid ant species derived from AntWiki.

    Dryad Supplementary File 8. List of valid ant species derived from AntWiki.
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    Test set for geodesics

    This is a set of 500000 geodesics for the WGS84 ellipsoid; this is an ellipsoid of revolution with equatorial radius a = 6378137 m and flattening f = 1/298.257223563. Each...
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    Supplementary Data: "Challenges In Automated High-Throughput Ab Initio Thermo...

    These supplementary data contain input and output files of EMTO density-functional theory (DFT) calculations and IPython/Jupyter notebooks that were used in analyzing the...
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    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
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    This describes the output files for the CIViCmine project. These files are loaded directly by the CIViCmine viewer. The code for this viewer is available in the CIViCmine Github...
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    Data used for the analysis.

    Readable table containing all the density estimates used in this study, the results of the Ising model, the signal strength index (SSI) for each image, the age of each subject...
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    Ant And Termite Assemblages Along A Tropical Forest Disturbance Gradient In S...

    Description: Termite community composition from soil pits and deadwoodProject: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: Ant and termite...
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    Additional file 1: of The origin of β-strand bending in globular proteins

    List of PDB codes. The file contains a list of all the PDB codes and protein names used in our study. (TXT 139 kb)
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    This describes the output files for the CIViCmine project. These files are loaded directly by the CIViCmine viewer. The code for this viewer is available in the CIViCmine Github...
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    Sample description.

    BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory II [38]. STAI-T: trait scale of the State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory [39]. LEC: Life Events Checklist [40]. Test for differences between groups:...
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    Pedigree file

    3-generational pedigree file, containing G2 and G1's ancestors. Note that names starting by "f" or "m", at the beginning of the file, refer to G0 individuals that were inferred...
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    The DLC Animal List data file, containing 32 variables for 3,749 individuals representing 27 taxa in all stages of life. These are the raw data used to calculate longevity and...
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    Field Data

    Life history data for seed from five source populations (AFT - Afton State Park, Afton, MN; GCD - Grey Cloud Dunes Scientific and Natural Area, Cottage Grove, MN; CRA - Conard...
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    Evaluating Changing Patterns Of Herbivory As A Result Of Habitat Change

    Description: Estimates of leaf herbivory from leaves collected in litter trapsProject: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: Evaluating...
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    Acne PSP harvesting survey professional version no identifiers 220315

    The raw unedited submissions to the Acne PSP harvesting survey for the collection of treatment uncertainties are contained in the following Excel files: Acne PSP harvesting...
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    This zip folder contains all flight trial data files. There is a separate file for each flight trial. Each file has the necessary information to uniquely identify each bee,...