329 items found

Licenses: License Not Specified Groups: Datacite figshare Open Access Tags: Evolutionary Biology Genetics Inorganic Chemistry Neuroscience

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    MAP file with data on genetic markers: NordicDogs_4mars2014.map
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    AMSR-2 data for Pyresample quicklook documentation

    GCOM-W1 AMSR 2 data downloaded from Earth Observation Research Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).    
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    Assembled 454 transcriptome data, otherwise unpublished. Only sequences used in MBE-published phylogenetic analysis are provided here. Collection information: Trawl Lower Sur...
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    The table shows the number of aggressive events by focal Hypsophrys nicaraguensis territory owners. The ID of the territory, sex of each focal individual, stimulus type, order...
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    Maximum likelihood estimates for genetic effects on stamen filament length (initial scan, SNPs near targeted sites).
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    Supplementary data for A. Mikheenko, A. Prjibelski, V. Saveliev, D. Antipov, A. Gurevich. Versatile genome assembly evaluation with QUAST-LG. ISMB 2018...
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    R script for linear and path models

    R script for linear and path models
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    We measured larval mortality for S. droebachiensis at 3 different temperatures (3, 10 and 21 °C) reared in 4-l culture jars (n = 3). Temperatures in the jars were maintained...
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    Supplemental Data 1

    Phylogenetic dataset (TNT) used in the study. The TNT file can be converted to .nex from the ‘export (nexus format)’ function in TNT, or alternatively can be opened by ‘open...
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    PR interval genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies 50 loci associat...

    Introduction These are the Summary Level-data as presented in: "PR interval genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies 50 loci associated with atrial and...
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    Data Mass change

    Body mass data at first capture and second capture in females that did not abandoned.
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    Handling time, PCR success, Sequence success, and Target sequence success data

    Handling time, PCR success, sequence success, and target sequence success for chironomid pupal exuviae samples.
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    table of nucleotide sequences used as barcodes

    Contains the sequences of all barcodes used to genotype samples described in the paper. Numeric ID numbers correspond to the ID numbers in samples_barcodes.csv. Can be used as...
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    Matrices for well-conditioned biorthogonal spline wavelet bases on the interval

    Refinement matrices for the wavelet bases described in Chapter 2 of the thesis "Adaptive tensor product wavelet methods for solving PDEs" (T.J. Dijkema, 2009). Each...
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    Fig.1 The He number density for equilibrium He bubble at 300K. The green and red dots correspond to the unsaturated and saturated state, respectively. Fig.2 The pressure of...
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    Detecting edge effects of geese grazing at the boundary of woodland and grass...

    The presence of geese on different areas of lawn was estimated by the length of droppings on the lawn. Geese defecate frequently and seemingly...
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    Sampling locations.

    *Transect refers to the straight distance along which samples were collected at each site. The three sites for P. jubatus are contained within the Munchique National Park (Fig. 2).
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    Supplement 3: Modern coordinates of the Pontus coastal points mentioned by Pt...

    Supplement 3 to the paper "The Configuration of the Pontus Euxinus in Ptolemy’s Geography" submitted to the History of Geo- and Space Sciences...
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    The file ‘interaction matrices.zip’ is a compressed folder that contains 232 text files. Each file contains a matrix where each row (and column) represents a single individual....
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    Ondřejov Dataset

    Ondřejov dataset contains 12936 labelled stellar spectra from Ondřejov CCD700 archive. The spectra were observed with Ondřejov Perek 2m Telescope. Code used for...